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Neurographica’s limitations. Is everything possible?

Every person wants to make his dreams come true. Well, who wouldn’t? But is it possible? Neurographica is a relatively young and quite revolutionary method of transforming the way you think and live. Can it help us to fulfill any of our desires? This method is not a magic pill. It can do miracles to one person and yet would not help at all towards another person. We have already discussed its capabilities in previous articles. In order to fully understand Neurographica, let’s look at its limitations.

People solve very different problems in their lives. And therefore they come with a variety of requests. Everybody's perception is different. Some are visual - it is easier for them to understand everything if they see it. Others prefer to solve within auditory possibilities. For them, reality opens up in sounds. Some are guided only by flawless logic. These are number-oriented people. And everyone needs their own approach. Is Neurographica capable of solving such a task? Let's start to figure it out.

New Neurographica’s users often ask if it is possible to draw for others and instead of others. Do you think it is possible to get into the other person's head and change something there? You can always offer, but the final choice and decision is made by the person himself. In this sense, Neurographica is not an exception. It’s true when we talk about ourselves. For example, can you fix the hair on your reflection in the mirror? No. Only after we will correct it for ourselves, will our reflection in the mirror also change.

“Does it mean that you cannot help others with the use of Neurographica?" - Someone might ask. "But this is a limitation!" - others will add. Do you think that people’s behavior changes depending upon how we approach them and how we treat them? If, for example, somebody was rude to you in the store, will you still be joyful and happy? Would you like to answer back? Only highly trained and conscious people have the patience not to start a quarrel, defending their dignity. And if you were treated nicely and politely, what will be your reaction in this case? At the very least, you will want to smile back. This example shows you the difference in the likely course of events depending upon the attitude that you met? The mirror example is quite appropriate.

Robert Doisneau,

Dance - Régine Chopinot à la Villette 1990

How does this relate to Neurographica? Why was all of this discussed? We cannot change other people and their choices. But we can change our own choices regarding how to relate to these people and their situations. For example, you can perceive your child as a bully and fidgety, and constantly scold him. Or you can consider him very active, and find a peaceful and creative way to use his hyper-energy. There are no doubts that after that kind of shift within your perception, your child’s behavior will change as well. Therefore, drawing Neurographica for others and instead of others - not that it is impossible, but rather not necessary. It’s useless. You should focus your attention and energy on drawing your attitude towards the situation and the other person. We see the world as we want to see it, through the lens of our personality. If you want to see better things, than improve your thinking and perception of the surrounding reality. And that’s the main goal of Neurographica.

Can any situation be solved with the help of Neurographica?

"Well, you see, my situation is the most difficult one! Neurographica will definitely not be able to solve it! ". Yes, Neurographica does not solve situations. This is not a magic wand, but just a scientifically proven method of transforming the way you think. There is even a dissertation on this topic, and more than one. In what situations Neurographica can help?

When something happens to a person, what does he start to do? He starts thinking about that situation. Think a lot and for a long time. And what happens when we think about something?

Neurons begin to move within our head. Suddenly some unexpected decisions come, and the situation opens from a completely different angle. What can be said in this sense about Neurographica? The activated neurons communicate. New neural connections are created when we draw neurographic lines and then connect them. This creates insights.

Neurographica is built upon the connection of fine motor skills with the neural system of the

brain. The nature of the lines that we draw reflects our thoughts and beliefs about a certain topic. Different muscle tests support that idea. The body always gives us accurate responses. Therefore, if a person has problems within the topic, his drawing will reflect that in the form of dark tones, the nature of the lines, the lack of aesthetics, and the chaotic arrangement of figures on the sheet. By looking at not-such-a-nice looking drawing and gnarled lines, someone might say: “If it happened that way it means that Neurographica cannot solve this topic. This is the aesthetic method of finding a solution. And if it is ugly, it means that it cannot be done.”

There is the concept of a "case" study in Neurographica, when a person makes several

drawings on the same topic. If you look at all drawings within the case study you will be able to

see the change - the drawings become lighter, more iridescent, thinner, more aesthetically pleasing, and the lines are more harmonious due to the dynamic that happens at each step of the problem-solving process. We have an immediate desire to correct imperfection when we look at a “crooked” drawing and “curved” lines. Our subconscious has a desired image of an object or situation, even if we are not aware of a clear desire to change something that we don’t like. Neurographica can help us improve and change everything we can think of. There are even stories from instructors that drawings made unconsciously without a specific topics still work. While you draw them, the meanings are found by themselves, and insights come.

However, Neurographica is not a magic wand. You should not expect a wonderful change without your participation just from drawing a certain picture. You still have to make your own efforts. We can say that Neurographica tunes us, like a radio, to the right wave for a successful solution to our situation. Transformation happens with your thoughts, actions, reactions and interactions with the world, which lead to the desired result. In this sense, there are no restrictions for Neurographica.

“Neurographica is not for me. It won’t help me. I’m used to solving situations by different means”. Sometimes you can hear such statements. Is Neurographica a selective method that is suitable for some people and doesn’t work for others?

There are people with different perceptions of reality. For the auditory person, it is not easy to draw logical conclusions. He just hears the sound and draws conclusions upon it. It can be difficult for a visual person to understand something immediately by ear. He absolutely needs to see it. It is problematic for the digital person to imagine something that does not exist in their opinion. They need “reinforced concrete” proof. Can Neurographica help all these people equally?

Drawing Neurographica is completely unrelated to the representation within your imagination of any sounds or images. Actually, images that create standard associations are not invited. "No way" - The visual exclaims. - “And what am I supposed to do then?". Draw. Just draw and observe your feelings.

The main exceptional feature of Neurographica is the absence of imagining or listening. You simply “state the facts” that exist within your head and are laid out on paper in the form of a neurographic line. Your main goal is to observe the change within your reactions, feelings, and thoughts at the beginning of the drawing and after its completion. And there is always a difference for everyone. For some people it is brighter, for others less noticeable, but it is always there.

The main limitation of Neurographica is that it cannot force a person to take a marker and start drawing. However, if you cannot force, you may inspire. Looking at the drawings and experiences of other people who use Neurographica, one might well want to do the same.

If you would like to learn more about Neurographica, its secrets and possibilities the best place to do it is the Institute for Psychology of Creativity. We offer a large variety of classes that can suit your interests and requests.

You can find out about our planned events and classes at the website


If you are ready to start studying Neurographica, then the following classes are

for you: Basics User, Specialist and Neurographica Instructor for those who want to become a practitioner within the world of Neurographica.


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