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Safety precautions to follow when working with Neurographica®. Part 1

Updated: Oct 3, 2023

Neurographica is a way to change your mind creatively. It helps people change how they think about life in general and specific things that have a place in it. Neurographica is not a regular fine art; its goal is not to replicate objects and shapes that already exist in the world. Rather, this is a very effective, scientifically proven psychological method for dealing with a range of problems and achieving goals. It has its own set of rules and safety precautions, just like any other transformational practice.

Certain rules must be followed before the drawing can begin to work and produce the desired result. Of course, we are all grown-up people, so we are free to choose which rules to follow and which to disregard, we are free to make our own decisions. As professor Pavel Piskarev points out, we are all artists, and no one has the authority to tell us how to draw, each of us has a unique vision. However, the outcome of your drawing depends on the choices you make. It is important to be able to take responsibility for your vision and the results it brings about.

Safety precautions when working with Neurographica

What rules and safety precautions (SPs) apply when working with Neurographica?

All SPs are classified into two groups: those for beginners and basic users, and those for specialists and instructors.

It should be noted that the set of rules for individual users is considerably larger; in fact, it is a comprehensive set. Instructors are familiar with Neurographica risks and rules. They know how to observe and manage their inner states properly, as well as how to be flexible in applying the method's various techniques. This implies that they can admit responsibility for the consequences of breaking those rules. When working with Neurographica, certified basic users, particularly beginners, should FOLLOW ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS.

Stick to the Neurographica Basic Algorithm

Neurographica is a scientific work and a rigorously verified psychological practice that employs a variety of techniques for a variety of purposes, and the foundation of neurographic drawing is the Basic Algorithm, all the method's techniques are subject to it.

The basic algorithm is based on the Pyramid of Consciousness theory, which describes the secrets of human thoughts and behaviours. It consists of four basic levels each divided into two. Each successive level delves deeper and deeper into the conscious and subconscious realms until it reaches the Self, or the Absolute.

It is difficult to jump from actual consciousness, from the point of present awareness, from the external world straight to the deep world of the Absolute, which you can call God, the Father of Light, or the Creator. Even experienced meditators struggle to cross two layers of consciousness at once. Immersion is never instantaneous. It's like diving: if you do not follow the rules, you will either get crushed or face a different risk. Diving is a skill that must be learned. This rule is true for anything that has depth.

Neurographica Basic Algorithm is designed in such a way that immersion into the depths of your unconscious occurs gradually. Hidden problems and opportunities that were kept hidden from view gradually become apparent. Having an array of graphical techniques is a good thing, yet there are some issues that can literally knock you off your feet, so you have to be ready for them.

The more a person works out various aspects of life and solves problems, the easier it becomes to dive deeper and reach the level of the Absolute. This is what proficient Neurographica instructors are able to do. This is where you can play around with the steps of the algorithm more freely, but not before that.

Beginners in Neurographica sometimes learn about the method through free online lessons, that's their first impression that they sometimes continue to believe to be the entire method. Unfortunately, this is only the tip of a massive iceberg that does not provide a complete picture and, as a result, the desired results. In this case NeuroGraphica becomes NeuroArt, which are not the same at all.

Only complete understanding of the Basic Algorithm and its features is enough to get the best possible results from it.

The first thing to do is conjoining

The Algorithm for Removing Limitations (ARL) is the very first technique taught in the Neurographica Basic User course. Its goal is to remove constraints, solve problems and remove roadblocks on the way of achieving your goals.

Catharsis, sometimes called an outburst, is the foundation of this algorithm. This is the point where all the emotions associated with the topic of drawing, most of them negative, come together.

How do you think we should proceed? Can we just put this catharsis aside and find something else to spend time on? Some people let it happen. But imagine a situation: you come to a friend or family member feeling greatly distressed and share your difficult situation, wishing to be helped and supported. Your friend or family member simply shakes their head and states that they are out of time at the moment. What will happen to you now?

You have just poured out your negativity, but have not received any help. So, you are still stuck with your activated negativity. The issue becomes a real pain. Negative emotions cause a person to "grow thorns." Unresolved problems might give you the appearance of an electrically charged porcupine, even from a great distance.

Catharsis works the same way. What should I do? The immutable rule of the Algorithm for Removing Limitations is:

After the outburst, first conjoin everything, only after that can you move your attention away to something else. 

Conjoining lines of the catharsis allows you to relieve emotional stress, literally smooth out the corners of a problem, and align the paths to its resolution.

It is not uncommon for the catharsis to be so emotionally charged that the person scribbles on paper until there is no more white space on it. Of course, there is nothing to round in this case, or it is very difficult because the elements are too small. If you get something like that, it is better to tear up the sheet and toss it out, to start over with a new catharsis. This should be done until emotional intensity subsides, at which point it will be much easier to work with the elements of catharsis.


Rules of Conjoining

The Piskarev principle is the official name for the process of conjoining. It is the hallmark of Neurographica and adheres to a strict rule: all lines must be perfectly smooth like silk.

Everything sharp that stands out and gets noticed by our eyes only adds new problems to a situation. Instead of resolving the issue, we can actually exacerbate it.

Intersecting lines indicate a conflict or a problem with the stated topic. That is why, using Neurographica, we conjoin them and bring them into a state of harmony, allowing for the best possible solution to the problem to emerge.

This drawing shows the incorrect and correct methods of conjoining.

Conjoining rules:

  • when conjoining corners, no new corners should appear

  • conjoining with a thin-line markers or liners produces many burrs and does not result in smooth lines

  • when conjoining, avoid creating crosses and spikes at intersections

  • conjoining should be as soft and smooth as possible. Thickness of lines and intersections should match in both thickness and the amount of ink applied

Working with triangles

The sharpest topic in Neurographica is triangles. They introduce angles, sharpness, leading to a possible imbalance and an inner conflict. They are safe to use by certified Neurographica Specialists and Instructors. Basic Users, particularly beginners, should avoid interacting with triangles.

Why? The Basic User course is the first in a series of Neurographica training programmes. There are two algorithms presented here: the Algorithm for Removing Limitations and the Algorithm for Revealing Intentions, both of which have nothing to do with triangles. In fact, there is a risk of self-harm when using sharp shapes and specific hatching techniques in these algorithms.

Using the Algorithm for Removing Limitations, you can get rid of restrictions in the chosen topic. It is sometimes possible to figure out ahead of time what problems and difficulties you will face as you work toward your goal. It is more common, however, for these issues to come to the surface unexpectedly. Sometimes you appear to be near the finish line, the outcome seems to be right in front of you. But then: Boom!! Everything turns on its head.

The human subconscious contains a wealth of exciting things. We inherit a multitude of beliefs, attitudes, ways of thinking, behaviours that came through the centuries. As we go through life, we pick up a lot of other things. Metaphorically, these obstacles might come up as the roots of the tree that makes you stumble during a run.

The Algorithm for Removing Limitations lets you remove things that are blocking your way and even turn them into resources. The Algorithm for Revealing Intentions lets you choose the best way to get what you want. This is only an intention, a choice of path, and not yet a strategy. So neither of these two algorithms has anything to do with triangles. A triangle represents movement, growth, leadership and internal conflict. Do you truly need it when you've decided to resolve all conflicts?

Stay tuned for updates.


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