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Safety precautions to follow when working with Neurographica. Part 2

The previous article taught us about the basic safety precautions to follow when working with Neurographica. The method is safe if it's used correctly. We'll talk more about that in this article.

One day one topic

This is a general rule for those who are just starting out with Neurographica and do not yet have the Instructor status. Even for experienced instructors, switching the topics of drawing in a single day is not a good idea. The reason for this is that the neural connections we work on during drawing require some time to settle down and become permanent. It is not a good idea to jump to another topic right after finishing the first one. It is similar to painting. You've painted a background on a canvas but did not wait for it to dry before adding new colours. The outcome might look like a rainbow of colours, but most probably, the painting will just be a blur.

Active people always have a lot of things they need to do, and enough of the related problems. Beginners or people who tend to dive straight into the depths of practice, and try working with a multitude of problems at once, might experience burnout.

What issues may arise when working on multiple topics in a single day using Neurographica

The first trouble that can happen is emotional burnout, higher risk of conflict with someone, mood swings and other similar symptoms. To put it another way, it is emotional upheaval.

One reason for it is that the neural system becomes hyperexcited if several tasks are completed at once in a single day. It's similar to a hyperactivity in children. They are sick of jumping and screaming, but just cannot stop because their nervous system is too active. At this point, everything and everyone — objects and people alike — can become entangled in his rage.

The second reason is that our physical reality reacts with a lag compared to the world of our minds, or the world of our soul. Just think about it: it only takes a few minutes to imagine something you're dreaming about. How long will it take to make it reality? It can take years at times.

One's mindset begins to shift when you set out on a journey of self-improvement. So do the expectations. A person who isn't patient enough to see how their internal changes work out can get very emotional. The person gradually begins to suspect that their new way of thinking is flawed, that they've been making mistakes, and get critical of themselves. Constant criticism breeds resentment. Eventually, one can quit practicing entirely. The key here is to give yourself time for changes to develop. It's very similar to spinning a massive wheel. The larger the problem or goal, the more effort is required to solve it or make it a reality.

The conclusion is straightforward:

Everything takes time to mature. 

So we follow the rule: one topic for transformation per day. Or, even better, one topic for three days. You draw one topic for three days, then switch to another. A person who is adequately informed about the situation will not jump from subject to subject, but rather work on the most important issue at the moment. So there is also a matter of setting priorities.

A case (a series of drawings) on one topic

There are numerous internal and external constraints and obstacles to overcome as one sets out on the path of transformation. Greater goals necessitate a greater investment of time and effort. Beginners in Neurographica may wonder why their drawings do not work despite their best efforts.

The reason they don't work is most likely due to the fact that one drawing is insufficient to change a serious topic. Totally insufficient. That is when working on cases comes into play.

A case is a series of drawings on a single topic. 

Case work has its own set of rules. If the topic is simple and well-defined, you can begin modelling the desired outcome right away. Most of the time, a person starts working on a topic when it feels painful: "I can't stand it any longer! I want to finally change something!" This is why it is best to begin a new case with the Algorithm for Removing Limitations.

When you begin a new case with modelling the future or the desired result right away, problematic situations can become very active. Dealing with them will be difficult because you did not anticipate their appearance: you modelled what you desired, but problems found their way in. It can get extremely stressful on your nerves.

The following is a suggested working scheme for the case:

  1. The Algorithm for Removing Limitations. A number of these drawings may be required rather than a single one. How do you know when enough is enough? If the topic has a lot of hidden concerns, first drawings will be very ugly, or you will not like them. The feeling of "enough" comes when you not only like the drawings, but they also charge you with positive energy, joy, happiness, enjoyment and pleasure.

  2. The Algorithm for Revealing Intentions will assist you in determining the best course of action to take in order to most effectively achieve your goal or solve a problem. One drawing is sufficient, if it is really elaborate and done with high quality. Each individual's situation is unique. Observe your own states and conclusions from each drawing.

  3. Model the Desired Situation.

a) By utilising all of the features of the graphic alphabet and the rules of composition, you can in fact write a graphical letter to the universe and send the same signal to your own neurons. Such drawings may require quite a lot of effort, and some may even necessitate that the goal be met.

b) Neurographica includes algorithms that enable you to work through multiple related themes concurrently, like Strata and Shamanic Rain. There are also specific algorithms designed for coaching that are available to those who have completed the NeuroComposition (modelling) course, which is part of the Neurographica Instructor course. The application period for next year's instructor course is now open. The NeuroComposition module can also be purchased separately. The dates are 6 and 13 April 2021. Since it includes nine algorithms and a whole set of coaching techniques, only certified instructors have access to the full range of opportunities for modelling their reality.

The Neurographica motto is

Positive change done with your own hands

Everyone is ultimately responsible for the decisions they make and for the quality of the changes they see.


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