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The difference between the basic algorithm, ARL and other algorithms of Neurographica

Updated: Sep 17, 2021

Where does the learning of Neurographica start? It starts with understanding and mastering the basics of the method. To be able to effectively and efficiently apply any technology, it is important to know its correct application. At worst, failure to follow safety precautions can hurt you. At best, not knowing the principles of the technology, one may simply not get the desired result. It is no secret that valuable proprietary technologies are not freely accessible in the public domain. The reason for this is that the method can devalue and disperse otherwise. Only highly motivated people will feel the need to study and learn those new technologies.

All of the above applies equally to Neurographica. It is as much as technology as, for example, the production of medicines or new building adhesives. What is the foundation of all Neurographica algorithms? It is the basic algorithm.

The Basic Algorithm is the underlying structure of all Neurographica algorithms. They can be the original algorithms or new algorithms invented through the creative process by Neurographica Instructors. The basic algorithm is essential; without it you will not be able to create a Neurographic drawing.

People who are becoming interested in and studying Neurographica as a method of transforming their lives can be mistaken that the Algorithm for Removing Limitations is the very basic algorithm upon which all Neurographica is based. Let's find out where this error has crept in.

The basic algorithm consists of seven steps. These are the same steps for all Neurographica algorithms. But why do they all look so different on paper, as if they were drawn not according to the same principle, but to the wishes of their authors? The very secret lies in the second step of the Basic algorithm called "Composition". This is where many novice neurographers make the same mistake over and over again.

Each Neurographica algorithm has its own composition and its own specific rules of composition creation. Every other step follows the basic algorithm. For example, when we draw the Algorithm for Removing Limitations, according to the basic algorithm as a second step we do a catharsis - an emotional “throw”/ release on paper. In NeuroComposition, in modeling, we work with shapes and their position on paper. In NeuroMandala, we draw seven-level circular models. In NeuroGoals - stars and drivers. And in NeuroTimeline - timelines. Do you see the difference in creating compositions of different algorithms? And the basic algorithm, as a structure, remains the same.

The next mistake is hidden in the third step - Conjoining / Neurographica pattern.

Pavel Piskarev noted that people highlighted that his drawings were not entirely correct from a Neurographica point of view, because not all line intersections were rounded. What is Neurographica, and what makes it different from other types of visual arts? This very pattern of conjoining and rounding line intersections makes it different. It is this pattern that creates a graphical representation of neural connections and neural nodes. But is it necessary to round every single intersection? Shall we find out?

When we draw the Algorithm for Removing Limitations, we specifically work with releasing limitations. That is, we strive to level our "prickly" situation in order to perceive it as digestible and comfortable. Therefore, in this algorithm it is necessary to round each and every corner, and every single intersection. And even more so, the lines should look like silk, without a single edge, and without squiggles and cracks. This type of drawing, indeed, removes limitations within the defined topic.

What do angles mean in Neurographica drawing? They signify potential complications and conflicts. But not every complication can be viewed as a problem. For some people this is a way to show their strengths and achieve the desired result. Others, on the contrary, want to achieve their goals smoothly and sweetly. This is neither good nor bad. It is just that we are all different. Men are more used to striving to achieve, while women are more used to creating harmony. This is probably the reason why so few men attend Neurographica classes: the Algorithm for Removing Limitations (ARL) is studied first and everything has to be rounded.

Dear Men! Come to Neurographica - in addition to ARL, there are a lot of interesting things where you can really achieve, reach the depths of your consciousness and bring out your strongest qualities.

Let'sgoback to conjoining. Not all Neurographica algorithms require total corner rounding. Attention! This only applies to those who have mastered the Algorithm for Removing Limitations and have completed the certified modeling course Neurocomposition.

Not every person needs total harmony in life. Some people are stimulated by obstacles. Isn’t it why mountaineers climb high mountains? For these people, calmness and regularity can become a nightmare. When we round all corners, I assume that the people around are in a complete agreement with me. But there is a catch. We must also be in an agreement with the other people too. And what's more, we need to be in an agreement with the universe. This very agreement can cause a dislike of drawing field lines over catharsis in some practitioners. It is interesting that the Algorithm for Removing Limitations is an expression of my agreement with the universe, with the Absolute, and my acceptance of its opinion. Well, in order for higher powers to help us, at least, we must agree with them. And we don’t always want to do it hence the resistance in ARL.

When we want to create situations according to our own scenario, we often have to defend our opinion, and not just agree with suggestions of others. And these disagreements are the "corners". Therefore, the third step of the basic algorithm (rounding) is present in all algorithms of Neurographica, but in each of them to a different extent. In ARL, it is a total immutable rule. In other algorithms it depends on what, where and how much we want to harmonize, and what, where and how much we want left for actions and achievements.

The next "stumbling block" is the fourth point of the basic algorithm - "Integration". This is where Neurographica often turns into “just decor”. Yes, we should like our Neurographica drawing. Moreover, the more aesthetically pleasing it is, the better it will work. But this does not mean that you can add decorative elements into the drawing, for example, spirals, butterflies, flowers and the like. Working with colour at the stage of archetyping is primarily integrative, not decorative.

It is also worth mentioning small circles that sometimes appear in the drawings of neurographica practitioners. The fourth point of the basic algorithm - integration - involves unification of separate parts of the drawing into a single integral system. In the Algorithm for Removing Limitations, we also identify circles from the contours of our drawing. Large, medium and small circles. This is where people get carried away. Small circles turn into a scattering of tiny circles. What meaning does it have within the framework of Neurographica? Each shape contains a certain meaning that we can consciously give to the shape being drawn, or we can leave it "empty" - then the meaning will be found by itself. Therefore, when we draw many, many tiny circles within the framework of ARL, this means that we set ourselves a great many tasks, which we have to go through for achieving the indicated goal. Do you really need this? Perhaps, if a person does not strive to solve a difficult situation, but instead wants to acquire the consciousness of a multi-role personality. We study this in a completely different course at the Psychology of Creativity Institute.

So, we examined the main differences between the basic algorithm, Algorithm for Removing Limitations and other Neurographica algorithms. It is important to reiterate that the basic algorithm of Neurographica is a scientifically proven model for creative transformation of thinking. And all the main algorithms, including ARL, are applications of this model within various situations.


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