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Neurographic line

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

Neurographic line: definition, types, applications

The fourth element of the neurographic alphabet is the neurographic line. It connects shapes on the sheet together, and its bionic nature, together with the rounding principle, makes the resulting complex compositions easy for our subconscious to integrate. Neurographic lines implant the shapes on the drawing into the neural networks of our brain. If we are lacking something, such as more activity, the line will assist us in absorbing it. Besides, of course, the neurographic line can be used on its own to help you reach your goals.

Definition of a neurographic line

The neurographic line is the primary element of neurographica. Our art stands out since it utilises the neurographic line and the conjoining principle, i.e. conjugating and rounding. This is the reason you can't confuse Neurographica with anything else, these are distinguishing features of our method. Each artist has his or her distinct style of painting. Remember the Black Square of Malevich. For us, unique features are neurographic lines and Conjoining.

Here's how this line is defined:

The neurographic line does not repeat itself in any part of its movement, and we lead it to where we do not expect to see it.

IMPORTANT! The line does not repeat itself at any point in time nor does it travel where it wishes, but rather where you direct it. You have to do it yourself, despite resistance.

The conclusion to be drawn here is that the neurographic line is NOT spontaneous, as many beginners might believe.

To get the best results from Neurographica, it's crucial to realise how important your active participation in the process of drawing is. When we are drawing neurographic lines, this is like building new roads in a city. Using the marker, we explore areas where our neurons have not yet been activated and connected, and discover previously unseen opportunities. If you draw the line in the spur of the moment, completely spontaneously — it is no longer Neurographica; it is simply repeating and reinforcing existing patterns of thinking and behaviour. There's nothing new in that.

Draw the neurographic line slowly and carefully, at least while you're learning. It will gradually become your second nature, and you'll get faster at doing it. It is not how quickly you can draw it, but how well you can observe yourself and your feelings that's really important.

If we say that Neurographica is a language and that the graphic elements are letters, a neurographic drawing becomes a text. Assume you're reading a story and come across the same word over and over again. This kind of text is going to be tedious to read and not that enjoyable., The neurographic line is unique at every turn and seems to go around this problem.

People who draw Neurographica are unique at every turn in their lives.

Neurographica teaches us to think outside the box and to avoid repetition. We unlock previously unavailable potential and expand our awareness. Put the marker on the sheet and try to feel where your hand wants to go. Feeling that inner urge, make a slight movement in a different direction. You don't have to break all of your habitual patterns at once, but you can gradually shift them in the direction you need.

By drawing a neurographic line we are creating new neural pathways. You've probably watched videos where neurons in the brain are forming new connections and communicating with one another. It's an amazing sight that makes one tremble, watching tiny particles facing the void and creating new pathways that eventually lead to insights. Neurons deserve gratitude for all the insights we gain. Exploring new lands is not an easy task. We step into areas that were previously unknown to us, opening new doors for ourselves. From this perspective, complete spontaneity is like going through the same doors again and again.

We lead the line by resisting old patterns. Old habits bring us to well-known and familiar places. Fine motor skills reflect this in patterns and spontaneous lines we draw unconsciously. When we are drawing neurographic art, we explore our habitual patterns and our resistance to changing them. That's not a simple task at all. It takes a lot of effort and energy at first. Irritation, anger, a desire to stop doing this "stupid thing" and other negative emotions are common forms of resistance. The body begins to echo unpleasant sensations as well. Plus, the more hidden, unconscious problems there are in the chosen topic, the more powerful the resistance will be.

It is important to go through resistance to the end.

Results won't emerge until you do it. Once you've mastered drawing neurographic lines, there's almost nothing you can't do, as long as you put in your conscious effort into drawing.

The importance of the neurographic line and the principle of conjoining in drawing

The neurographic line is similar to lines of nature. It can be found in cracks in asphalt or plaster, the lines of waves on the shore, the contours of clouds or tree crowns. We can connect with the entire universe and experience the divinity of being through the neurographic line.

Over time, even smooth city streets take on a neurographic appearance. Take a look at modern maps of historic cities. Do you believe the architects intended them to be that way? That's unlikely! Nature is what makes the difference. Instead of going around in circles in standard patterns, Neurographica® allows us to come up with something new every time. One neurographic line corresponds to one thought. Another thought may emerge from it. At first glance, we might not associate them with one another. However, try conjoining lines using the rounding principle. You will immediately gain new insights. "I have no idea how to link these ideas together" one Neurographica® Instructor course student said, "but I have Neurographica for that, I'll let it link them for me."

The effect of conjoining is building up intellectual and energetic capacity to solve the tasks at hand.

Pavel Piskarev, method author

The neurographic line orchestrates the whole process. It demonstrates how some elements are related to others. Consider the case where you need consistent change. You draw a square and a triangle and assign meanings to them. However, as long as your shapes stand alone, they will not produce the desired results. The square represents stability and may serve as an anchor for the current situation. Movement and change will occur elsewhere, such as when emotions take over - represented by the triangle. How can you avoid this while still getting the desired result? It's easy. All you have to do is connect these two shapes using a neurographic line and the principle of conjoining. This way you'll connect change with reliability. Following that, the situation will begin to change, becoming stable in its change, but also reliable.

How can we make this process more harmonious as well? Add a circle to the drawing and neurograph it as well, connecting it to the rest of the composition. A circle embodies harmony, so there won't be any unpleasant surprises in the story.

In neurographic drawings, two types of intelligence are at work: aesthetic intelligence and emotional intelligence. Aesthetic intelligence pertains to human interaction with the environment, related to harmony and beauty. There are Gestalt psychology tests that assess a person's tendency to reconstruct the whole image from individual lines. This tendency, which everyone should have by default, provides us with some level of psychological safety while also helping us tap into our potential at various points in our daily lives.

This is also true for the Neurographica conjoining principle (rounding, conjugating and the Piskarev principle). An arc suggests that a circle exists in this area. As a part of a circle, this element sends a message of peace and safety. It's a good idea to round shapes and neurographic lines when connecting them so that they form a strong bond as well as gain a sense of beauty and security. By doing so, we create new pathways for accomplishing our objectives in an ecological way. Emotional intelligence helps us by providing emotional-level feedback on our solutions, guiding us while we are looking for the appropriate way to handle the situation.

Neurographica is a linear language and the neurographic line is very important here . It adds coherence to our story. When we look at neurographic images, we see the whole drawing first, then the individual elements that comprise that complex structure. It's the same as when you first meet someone. Initially, we see that person as a whole, and with time, we get to know the details. Our initial impression, whether we like that person or not, shapes our opinion. It can be difficult to change our mind later on, but it is possible to do so by learning more about that person's character.

Types of neurographic lines

Lines we use define the nature of the reality we create. There are various types of neurographic lines that can be divided according to brain frequencies they amplify. Our method is called neurographica since we are working directly with our brains, with neurons.

From this perspective, neurographing can be defined as conscious tuning of the brain to the appropriate frequency. When we deliberately choose a specific amplitude of line, our brain adjusts to that, we gain the ability to purposefully affect our brains.

Alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and theta are the five brain rhythms. They encapsulate the full spectrum of activities and states of consciousness that an individual manifests and experiences throughout the day. Some of these rhythms reflect passive contemplation, inactivity or the state of being half-asleep. Others are very active and rapidly changing.

Drawing: Five Brain Frequencies

Beta is a state of activity or normal wakefulness Alpha is a relaxed wakefulness Theta is light sleep or deep meditation Delta is deep sleep, or the state of being unconscious Gamma is when the mind works very hard or gets too excited

The amplitude and frequency of a rhythm vary depending on the type of the line. It's easier to figure out what kind of a neurographic line you are using the most if you analyse frequency.

Various types of neurographic lines and their application

There are lots of various techniques out there that help you tune into a specific state or aim for a different version of reality. You have the freedom to pick and choose what works best for you. What sets Neurographica apart from the competition? Neurographica creates a strong visual impression. You are not required to visualise or fantasise on purpose. Everything you need is right in front of you. Close your eyes, keep them open, leave the room if you want — still, the image you've created will not go away.

Pick the subject that is most important and interesting to you right now. When drawing, express it with one of the shapes from the graphical alphabet that most closely reflects its meaning. Then ask yourself what you are missing in this topic and what you would like to see added to it. Is it more drive? Tranquillity? Genius-level creative thinking? Outline your shape with the appropriate type of neurographic line. Listen to your inner voice to see if any change is taking place.

The neurographic line can be used on its own as a special tool. Even the most inexperienced neurographers, who are still learning the neurographic line may notice some changes. The most essential thing is to observe how you feel and what is going on around you.

The NeuroSketching module of the NeuroGraphica Instructor course contains detailed information on all types of neurographic lines and ways to use them. You can complete the module as part of the course or separately.


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